1. Directive on the Introduction of Financial Products and Services by Commercial Banks
  2. Directive on Expansion and Closure of Bank Branches and/or Windows
  3. Guidelines for the Management of the Credit Reference System at the Central Bank of Liberia
  4. Microfinance Regulation and Supervissory Framework for Liberia
  5. Microfinance Regulation and Supervissory Framework for Liberia
  6. Liberia Financial Statistics - March - April 2009
  7. Financial and Economic Bulletin 1st Quarter (January - March 2009)
  8. Financial and Economic Bulletin 4th Quarter (October - December 2008)
  9. Liberia Financial Statistics - January - February 2009
  10. CBL Annual Report 2008
  11. Liberia's Balance of Payments for 2004 - 2008
  12. Liberia Financial Statistic - November - December 2008
  13. 2008 Financial Statements
  14. Liberia's Balance of Payments and External Sector Statistics 2004 - 2007
  15. Financial and Economic Bulletin 3rd Quarter (July - September 2008)
  16. Liberia Financial Statistics - September - October 2008
  17. Liberia Financial Statistics - July - August 2008
  18. Financial and Economic Bulletin 2nd quarter (April - June 2008)
  19. Liberia Financial Statistics - May - June 2008
  20. Financial and Economic Bulletin 1st Quarter (January - March 2008)
  21. Liberia Financial Statistics - 2006 - February 2008
  22. Factsheet on Key Economic Financial Indicators - February 2008
  23. CBL Annual Report 2007
  24. Annual Report and Financial Statements for the Year Ended December 31 2007
  25. CBL Annual Report 2006