1. Monthly Economic Review - July 2019
  2. Amended Foreign Exchange Auction Rules and Regulations
  3. Financial and Economic Bulletin April - June, 2019
  4. The Regulator - October 2019
  5. Guideline on Standing Credit Facility, Standing Deposit Facility and Intraday Liquidity Facility for Commercial Banks CBL/FMD/GUIDELINE/001/2019
  6. Monthly Economic Review - May 2019
  7. Monthly Economic Review - June 2019
  8. Balance of Payments
  9. Liberia Balance of Payment 2014 - First Quarter 2019
  10. The Payment Systems Act (2014)
  11. The Payment Systems Act (2014)
  12. Bilateral Exchange Rate September 2 - 30, 2019
  13. Liberia Financial Statistics March - April 2019
  14. Bilateral Exchange Rate august 1 - 31, 2019
  15. Financial and Economic Bulletin January - March, 2019
  16. Liberia Financial Statistics Vol. 21 No. 1 Jan. - Feb., 2019
  17. Monthly Economic Review - April 2019
  18. Central Securities Depository Act - 2016
  19. Securities Market Act - 2016
  20. Monthly Economic Review- March 2019
  21. CBL Clarifies Story on Import and Export of US Dollar Banknotes
  22. CBL Policy Statement 2019
  23. Financial Statements as at December 31, 2018
  24. Financial and Economic Bulletin October - December, 2018
  25. Monthly Economic Review February 2019